Currently student in cinematography.
He launched his business back in 2021, by creating his life-long dream: The Reinartz Company. This would be the place where he could learn and progress as well in graphic design, as in audiovisuals.
Since that time, he had the opportunity to work as a freelance on several projects. He was given to write and direct some short-movies as part of his scholarship. He also worked on several third-kind productions.
Since 2023, he also develops and creates the designs required for the vegetable-candles-brand called “La Merveilleuse by Stevart Creations.”
Now, he is looking forward on meeting lots of new people with interesting projects in mind, and can’t wait to serve people and companies with his creations and productions.
Here’s to the ones who dream,
Mia in La La Land
Foolish as they may seem…
Picture – Bubble Planet, Tour & Taxis (Brussels)
Credits: A. Stevart
Edit: A. Reinartz
Company based in Belgium.
Copyright © The Reinartz Company, 2024.